Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Am I Depressed Or Faking It

Practical Techniques To Incorporate Into Daily Life

Mental Health Recovery | Am I Faking It? | Lockdown Depression Update

If tasks involving focus, memory, and concentration derail your day, there are many strategies that can help. The following strategies are directed toward people with ADHD but can benefit others as well.

Some of these lifestyle tweaks build routines, which reduce the amount of executive function required to act. Others set up systems of nudges and reminders, reducing the burden on your memory.

The Main Symptoms Of Depression

Therefore, if youre wondering how to tell if someone is faking depression, its helpful to know the main symptoms of depression to look for.

There are two main things to look for:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness
  • Loss of interest in people and activities
  • But there are a host of other symptoms as well:

    • Changes in eating
    • Physical pain including headaches and stomach issues
    • Talking about death and/or suicide
    • Trouble remembering things
    • Worthlessness

    When these things occur more often than not, and when they begin to interfere with daily function then depression is likely.

    If someone is only depressed about certain things but then gets easily happy again, it might be a sign of faking depression.

    How Can Talking To A Parent Help

    It can feel like a big relief to have someone listen, hear you out, and show they care. Talking together can help you feel more hopeful. It lets you know you’re not alone. Someone believes in you and has your back.

    Sometimes, a parent can help you see another angle to a problem you’re dealing with. They can give good advice. When you feel their support, it’s easier to think of ways to help yourself, too.

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    What If I Don’t Know What To Say

    Don’t wait to talk just because you’re not sure what to say. You can keep it simple. You can start just by saying, “Got a minute? I need to talk.” Then say what you’re going through. For example, “I’ve been feeling down a lot lately. I think I might be depressed.” The person you’re talking to might ask you to tell them more. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to get started talking.

    Feeling Depressed Or Suffering From Depression

    Childhood Depression Warrior Yes I Am Faking It ...

    We often get mixed up between low mood and unhappiness and depression. The two things are very different. Depression isnt about feeling unhappy, its feeling youll never be happy again, explains Colin Grange, Psychologist and Clinical Director of Lifeworks.

    If youre feeling low, is it starting to interfere with your day to day life? Are you not doing things that you used to do? Are you losing motivation in and enjoyment of life? Are you starting to not enjoy your hobbies? Is everything becoming an effort?

    People suffering from clinical depression often experience a range of symptoms both physical and emotional which can interfere with day to day life. Discovering whether you are suffering from one or more of these symptoms could be an important step towards getting the help you need.

    Quiz: Am I depressed?

    • 5min

    Also Check: Anti Depression Medication That Helps With Weight Loss

    Should I Confront Someone About Faking Depression

    People who fake depression are often accused of malingering. This has come to have a terrible connotation because in the history of mental health, people were accused of malingering when they had real mental health issues. This can lead to stigma that we dont want to perpetuate.

    Therefore, you might want to think carefully about how to approach someone you believe is faking depression. You can certainly approach them, but do so with kindness and an open mind. Be willing to listen and hear whats going on for them.

    First, think of it this way: they probably have some kind of problem, right? The average person doesnt lie about having a mental illness just to get a reward or avoid a consequence. They may or may not have depression but it seems like they have something going on. So, approach them with empathy for whatever might be the underlying issue.

    And remember, whether or not they have depression, its important that you set your own boundaries as needed. Practice self-care. Its not your responsibility to solve this persons issue whether its clinical depression or not. Let a mental health professional do that work.

    Depression is a serious illness. And if youre wondering about how to tell if someone is faking depression, then youre dealing with something thats very challenging. Dont try to deal with this all on your own.

    Creating Drama And Fuss All The Time

    People with depression remain silent and are always smiling. Meanwhile, people who fake depression always create drama and fuss. They dont even see if someone is around or not. The fact is that people who fake depression are behind something. All you have to find is the reason behind the depression. Maybe they are doing all this to get something out of it.

    Disclaimer: As BetterHelp Affiliate, We may receive compensation from BetterHelp or other sources if you purchase products or services through the links provided on this page.

    Also Check: Prayer To St Jude For Depression

    Everyone Is A Little Down/moody/ocd Sometimes Its Normal

    Often people will say Everyone gets depressed, I was depressed for a few days last year.

    Its true that everyone can feel a little down sometimes, or have mood swings, or get fixated on something, but, this is often not the same as having a mental illness.

    If someone is constantly told that the way theyre feeling is normal, theyre much less likely to seek the treatment they need.

    Why Is It Hard To Admit That You Have Walking Depression

    How To Know If Someone Is Faking Depression | 7 Ways To Malingering Depression

    You may recognize many of these signs in your life but still be slow to admit that you are depressed. Why is that?

    Because it feels presumptuous to put yourself in that category when youre still getting by. You feel like it would be insulting to those who are much worse off than you. You may feel like you have no real reason to be depressed.

    Because your pride and your identity take a hit. You have to admit vulnerability and allow that you are not the all-conquering superhero you thought you were.

    Because you realize that you and your life need to change, which feels like more work piled on your plate.

    Because you are admitting your own responsibility for your unhappiness and that can trigger self-judgment.

    Because you might uncover grief or anger at those around you for not seeing and taking better care of you.

    Read Also: How To Tell If Someone Is Hiding Depression

    Do I Need Health Insurance To Receive This Service

    The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.

    Pilgrimage Of Desire: A Path Out Of Walking Depression

    My lifes work is to help writers and artists recognize their depression and find healing by making their creative work a priority.

    One of the ways I do that is by sharing my own story of depression and recovery in a memoir called Pilgrimage of Desire. The book is interspersed with coaching questions and exercises, which help readers take their own steps toward happiness.

    As a young adult, I longed to make my mark on the world as a writer. But after university, I got sidetracked by all the demands of ordinary life.

    Soon I joined the ranks of the walking depressed. I was working, volunteering, and looking after my family, but I was also desperately sad.

    I found the path out of depression by following my desiresto write, to travel, to become a mother and a creativity coach. Eventually I left ordinary life behind. My husband quit his job and we sold our house and headed out on a trip around the world with our kids, aged five and three. I thought Id found my happy ending, but there was more to the story

    Do these signs ring true for you? Have you ever been depressed and kept on walking?

    I invite you to share your own experiences in the comments. When you do, please be kind to yourself and others. Kindness is the watchword. To keep this space safe and helpful, I remove comments that are unkind or invalidate other peoples experience of depression.

    UPDATE: A video for those who responded to this article when it was first posted in March 2012.

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    What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

    SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

    Also visit the online treatment locator.

    Medications For Depression Treatment

    everyone feels this way

    Antidepressants are drugs used to treat depression and depressive symptoms. These medications can help the way the brain metabolizes chemicals that control mood or stress. There are many types of antidepressants. Doctors and patients should review all possible side effects and weigh the risks before prescribing any medications.


    Doctors often begin treatment by prescribing an SSRI. These medicines are considered safer than other depression drugs. SSRIs also cause less side effects than other antidepressants. SSRIs your doctor may prescribe are:

    • Celexa


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    What You Can Do Instead Of Judging

    When a person tells you they have depression, believe them. It does not make sense for a person to fake depression. Because even with increased conversations on mental health, there is still an immense stigma associated with mental health conditions. Please don’t judge the validity of their statement. Don’t demand proof. And most importantly, don’t give unsolicited advice. Watch the video below to know what not to say to someone with depression.

    If you truly believe they are depression-free, give them the benefit of the doubt. It is highly likely that they have some underlying mental health condition. Tell them they shouldn’t self-diagnose because it can be dangerous. Ask them to consult a licensed therapist. The therapist can then determine what exactly it is they are suffering from.

    How To Prevent Relapse From Depression

    Depression is treatable, but symptoms can return.23 Research shows that relapse rates for depression for people who have had:

    One episode of depression is 50%50%Two episodes of depression is 70%70%Three or more episodes of depression is 90%90%

    These numbers reinforce why it is so important to have the right relapse plan in place. A depression relapse prevention plan prevents or limits recurrences.

    An effective relapse prevention plan has a continued treatment for symptoms even after they have gone away. And a list of triggers to identify and avoid.

    Most people relapse because they stopped following their treatment plan. It is crucial that patients attend all treatment sessions and take medicines on schedule. They should work on recognize when a depression trigger pops up and avoiding these triggers. If they find themselves dwelling on thoughts and failures, they should immediately stop. Using strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy or other therapies can successfully combat negative thoughts.

    Take care of oneself is equally as important. Making sure to get enough sleep, proper nutrition, and adequate exercise can help mental and physical health.

    If the early signs of a relapse do not go away, reaching out for help before the episode becomes severe is critical. Individuals should seek help from a healthcare professional right away to get evaluated for a relapse.

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    Examples Of Manipulative Behaviors

    • Using guilt trips to make people feel bad for them

    • Blaming others for all their problems

    • Not assuming any responsibility for their actions

    • Taking no action to get well despite asking for help

    • Passive aggressiveness

    • Exaggerating problems

    • Sucking up to others or saying insincere things

    • Always having to be the focus of attention despite others having needs

    • Using anger and aggression

    • Outsmarting

    • Using your own weaknesses against you

    When you get down to it, manipulation is when the person is indirect about what they really want and need. It can be very hard to know what to do in such a situation when you are the person being manipulated. One strategy is to call the person out for their behaviors and basically let them know that you aren’t falling for it. But you really have to be careful that it is manipulation you are dealing with.

    I did this with one friend who would repeatedly ask for help for her problems but then never took any action to resolve any of them. Finally, after the umpteenth time of sharing ideas of what she could do, I said, “I am no longer going to give any suggestions because you never act on any of them.” It woke her up to the fact that she was caught in this cycle of talking about problems but never taking action. My assertiveness was probably the best thing I had done for her, above and beyond all my reactive advice.

    How Else Can Parents Help

    Am I Faking Mental Illness?

    Parents can help in lots of ways. Talk with them about what you want their help with. Here are some of the things parents can do to help. You might think of other things that aren’t on this list. But this list can give you and your parent some ideas.

    Parents can:

    • help you practice skills you learn in therapy
    • remind you that they love and believe in you
    • let you know they see the good in you, and are proud of you
    • keep expecting good things from you
    • talk through problems with you
    • ask you about good things that happen in your day
    • help with homework or projects you’re having trouble with, or get you a tutor
    • hold you to your responsibilities at home and at school
    • help you get enough exercise, sleep, and healthy food
    • help you limit the time you spend on screens and social media
    • help you wake up in the morning at the right time, but do it in a friendly way
    • do things with you that you both enjoy walk, play a sport or game, watch a movie, do a craft, or cook

    These things may seem simple, but they add up. They start to change the way you think and feel. They can lift your mood, and help you think better about yourself. They can help you and your parent feel close. That’s a recipe for feeling better, even if you’re going through depression.

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    Do I Have Adhd Or Am I Just Lazy

    ADHD stands for attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder, and its thought to affect anywhere from two to 11 percent of the population. Its hard to pinpoint the exact number as the condition is likely underdiagnosed, leaving many people asking, do I have ADHD or am I just lazy?

    2. Hyperactivity

    3. Impulsivity

    Because the symptoms can be subtle or misunderstood, its not uncommon to reach adulthood and wonder whether your ongoing forgetfulness, distractibility, or carelessness might suggest undetected ADHD.

    In ADHD, these behaviors stem from something called executive dysfunction. When its working well, the executive functioning portions of the brains frontal cortex manage your organization, prioritization, and discipline.

    Suicide Risks And Antidepressants

    Most antidepressants are considered safe. Despite this, the Food and Drug Administration requires all antidepressants to carry a warning. This warns about increased suicide risks in younger people on antidepressants. In some cases, people below the age of 25 may have increased suicidal thoughts or behaviors when taking antidepressants. People of all ages should watch for worsening depression or unusual behavior. If suicidal thoughts happen, get emergency help or talk to a doctor.

    Antidepressants are more likely to reduce the risk of suicide for the long-term by improving mood and stopping depressive symptoms. Like any other drug, doctors and patients must balance the benefits against the risks.

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    Causes Of Malingering Or Faking Depression

    Malingering is always caused by some situational factors, like the desire of getting a reward or avoiding something unpleasant. However, the causes of malingering are based on specific contexts like legal settings or criminal activities. Below mentioned are some common ways to check if the person is malingering or not.

    Symptoms Of Smiling Depression

    Why Am I Depressed Starter Pack

    Someone with smiling depression may experience some or all of the above, but in public, these symptoms would be mostly if not completely absent. To someone looking from the outside, a person with a smiling depression might look like:

    • an active, high-functioning individual
    • someone holding down a steady job, with a healthy family and social life
    • a person appearing to be cheerful, optimistic, and generally happy

    If youre experiencing depression yet continue to smile and put on a façade, you may feel:

    • like showing signs of depression would be a sign of weakness
    • like you would burden anyone by expressing your true feelings
    • that you dont have depression at all, because youre fine
    • that others have it worse, so what do you have to complain about?
    • that the world would be better off without you

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    Should You Confront Someone Who Seems To Be Faking Depression

    A person who is faking mental illness or depression may be doing it for some underlying reason. If they are a loved one and you want to support them, you can sit them down and have a discussion about it.

    Before getting them to have a sit down chat with you, remember that they are going through something which is why they could be doing this. Be aware of what you say and do and how you react to them.

    It is very important that you reach out to them with empathy, willingness to understand and not judge, and be clear in your intent to help them if they want your help.

    Be clear of the boundaries between the both of you no matter how important they are to you. Its not your responsibility to solve this persons issue whether its clinical depression or not

    But make it clear that you are here to listen and provide support.

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