Sunday, September 1, 2024

How To Stop Oversleeping Due To Depression

How Much Sleep Is Too Much Sleep

Oversleeping | Risks, Causes And How To Avoid It

When it comes to how much sleep is too much sleep, the answer is anything that extends the 9 hours mark in a day. If you are here wondering whether you are sleeping more than what you should, read on.

Many people get confused that oversleeping might actually end up impacting their lives if they do it once or twice every once in a while. That is not how the same works. When your sleeping cycle is crossing the 9-hours mark every single day and that too, persistently, thats where the problem arises.

Sleeping in a few more hours during the weekends is no big deal but doing so every single day is when the problem arises. Studies conducted by the researchers from the University of Arizona stated that the lowest rate of morbidity and mortality lies when people sleep for 7 hours.

Sometimes, your answer to Why I am sleeping too much? maybe because of an underlying health condition which is why it is necessary to get the problem checked out if the condition persists.

Elevation Behavioral Health Residential Depression Treatment

Elevation Behavioral Health is a Los Angeles-based residential program that offers intensive mental health treatment for depression. When outpatient interventions have been ineffective in improving quality of life, you may benefit from a more targeted treatment protocol. With deluxe accommodations and a highly attentive clinical staff, Elevation Behavioral Health strives to make the clients stay a comfortable and healing experience. Elevation Behavioral Health offers a full daily schedule of therapies and adjunctive activities to help individuals struggling with depression reclaim their joy and return to healthy functioning. For more information about our program please contact us today at 561-0868.

Coping With Depression Tip : Reach Out And Stay Connected

Getting support plays an essential role in overcoming depression. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. At the same time, the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. When youre depressed, the tendency is to withdraw and isolate so that connecting to even close family members and friends can be tough.

You may feel too exhausted to talk, ashamed at your situation, or guilty for neglecting certain relationships. But this is just the depression talking. Staying connected to other people and taking part in social activities will make a world of difference in your mood and outlook. Reaching out is not a sign of weakness and it wont mean youre a burden to others. Your loved ones care about you and want to help. And if you dont feel that you have anyone to turn to, its never too late to build new friendships and improve your support network.

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What Causes Problems With Sleep

The things that affect our sleep differ for everyone. They can include:

  • stresses or worries for example, issues with money, housing or work
  • problems with where you sleep for example, if you sleep somewhere uncomfortable or you’re easily disturbed
  • health conditions relating to sleep, also known as sleep disorders
  • being a parent or carer

For more information about sleep disorders, see the Mental Health Foundation and Royal College of Psychiatrists websites, and our list of useful contacts.

“It’s not possible to relax if you don’t have anywhere comfortable and safe at night. This leads to not sleeping and worrying most of the night.”

If problems with sleep are worrying you or affecting your day to day life, it’s a good idea to see a doctor who can give you a health check and help you access treatment and support. If you fill in a sleep diary, you could take this to your appointment to show your doctor.

“My sleep problems are more a case of bedtime procrastination than insomnia as such and, as a consequence, being too tired the next morning. I still haven’t found out what works for me as I can get to sleep once I do get to bed.”

Use A Light Alarm If Youre Not Sure What To Do

What You Should Know About the Relationship Between Oversleeping and ...

Its no secret that the majority of people dislike their alarm clock. However, there are several kinds of alarm clocks, and some are better than others at avoiding oversleeping. Alarm clocks on phones and other digital devices often emit a loud jingle or melody that annoys you before you click the snooze button. Sunrise or light alarms, on the other hand, let you wake up softly and organically.

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Change The Way You Feel About Sleep

Understand what sleep actually is and what its there for. You need it to survive and function. The less sleep you need to survive and function, the better.

The problem is that too many people fall in love with sleep. They love the feeling of being nice and comfy in bed. And thats great, but getting too much sleep has plenty of nasty effects.

Getting the right amount of sleep is a bit of a balancing act. It needs to be within the 7 to 9 hours range, although it changes from person to person. Anything more or less than what you need and youre not getting the right amount of sleep.

You cant just sleep the sleep off. Any more or less than what you need and youll feel rubbish and have the nasty side effects that come with it.

Create the intention when you go to bed to receive just the right amount of sleep you need. When you wake up at the right time, know that your need for sleep has been fulfilled and that its time to wake up and start the day.

Holistic Activities Complement Depression Treatment

Psychiatry has begun to embrace holistic therapies as complementary to traditional treatment modalities for depression, as these activities can help reduce stress and induce feelings of calm. Some of the holistic treatment elements include:

  • Yoga. Yoga involves slow, purposeful physical poses with a focus on breathing. Yoga is known to promote relaxation and reduce stress while also strengthening and stretching muscles, and reducing blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Acupuncture. Acupuncture uses tiny needles to open up energy paths in the body thought to assist in the improvement of mind-body connectedness and wellness.
  • Meditation. Mindfulness meditation is also helpful in training the brain to focus purposefully on the present moment, taking in the various sensory stimuli and focusing on rhythmic breathing.
  • Exercise. The positive effects of getting regular exercise are caused by the release of brain chemicals, such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.
  • Aromatherapy. Certain essential oils have been found to relieve symptoms of depressed mood. These include jasmine, citrus oils, bergamot, and chamomile oils.
  • Nutritional counseling. A diet rich in lean proteins, nuts and seeds, fresh vegetables and fruits, oily fish such as salmon, beans, and whole grains can significantly contribute to mental stability.

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How Are Depression And Sleep Related

Depression and sleep are closely connected. Almost all people with depression experience sleep issues. In fact, doctors may hesitate to diagnose depression in the absence of complaints about sleep.

Depression and sleep issues have a bidirectional relationship. This means that poor sleep can contribute to the development of depression and that having depression makes a person more likely to develop sleep issues. This complex relationship can make it challenging to know which came first, sleep issues or depression.

Sleep issues associated with depression include insomnia, hypersomnia, and obstructive sleep apnea. Insomnia is the most common and is estimated to occur in about 75% of adult patients with depression. It is believed that about 20% of people with depression have obstructive sleep apnea and about 15% have hypersomnia. Many people with depression may go back and forth between insomnia and hypersomnia during a single period of depression.

Sleep issues may contribute to the development of depression through changes in the function of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Sleep disruptions can affect the bodys stress system, disrupting circadian rhythms and increasing vulnerability for depression.

Fortunately, people who are treated for major depression often report improved quality of their sleep.

How Common Is Depression

How To Fix Staying Up Late & Oversleeping GUARANTEED

Major depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the country. An estimated 17.3 million adults in the US reported having at least one major depressive episode over the course of a year, a 2017 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows.

Thats 7.1% of all adults ages 18 and older. Women have a higher prevalence of experiencing a major depressive episode than men .

Depression is especially crushing for the workforce: Its the number one leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. The total economic burden of MDD is estimated to be $210.5 billion per year in the United States alonea figure that reflects costs associated with missed days, reduced productivity, treatment for depression, and suicide.

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Get Adequate Amount Of Sleep

If you want to avoid oversleeping, it is mandatory that you have a good nights sleep. And it is not just about the amount of sleep that you get, you can sleep for 7 hours but if the quality of sleep is not good enough, there are chances that you will end up either oversleeping or tired throughout the entire day.

While adults need a maximum of 7-9 hours of sleep, it is mandatory for the teens to at least have 9 hours of sleep every single day to help boost their energy levels and to ensure that they are not tired throughout the day.

What Problems Might I Have With Sleep

Everyone needs sleep, but many of us have problems with it. You might recognise some of the experiences listed below, or have other difficulties with sleep that aren’t mentioned here.

You might:

  • find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep or wake up earlier than you’d like to
  • have problems that disturb your sleep, such as panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares or psychosis
  • find it hard to wake up or get out of bed
  • often feel tired or sleepy this could be because you’re not sleeping enough, not getting good quality sleep or because of health problems
  • sleep a lot which could include sleeping at times when you want, or need, to be awake.

“When I get depressed, I sleep so much at its worst it was 18 hours a day, because it was the only way that I could stop thinking and stop my mind from saying awful things to me.”

If you’re having problems sleeping, you might:

  • be more likely to feel anxious, depressed or suicidal
  • be more likely to have psychotic episodes poor sleep can trigger mania, psychosis or paranoia, or make existing symptoms worse
  • feel lonely or isolated for example, if you don’t have the energy to see people or they don’t seem to understand
  • struggle to concentrate, or make plans and decisions
  • feel irritable or not have energy to do things
  • have problems with day to day life for example, at work or with family and friends
  • be more affected by other health problems, including mental health problems.

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How To Stop Sleeping Too Much

If you have been meaning to get rid of oversleeping once and for all, there are actually quite a few ways in which one can achieve the same. Becoming a morning riser abruptly is not something that happens overnight, it does take time to build the habit gradually but once you get used to the same, the process is quiet easier than you can even imagine.

If you have been seeking ways on how to stop oversleeping, there are a few effective methods that can help bring your sleeping schedule back on track from being haphazard and all over the place.

Some of the most effective ways on how to stop sleeping too much include:

What Causes Depression

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Depression is an extremely complex mental health disorder. Why is it that some people seem to manage serious life events, such as the death of a loved one, a job loss, divorce, or other traumatic events, while others succumb to depression? To date, science has not yet determined the exact causes or factors related to depression, although ongoing research continues to offer new clues.

For example, a recent study out of Japan reveals the action of certain protein signaling that may affect mood. The authors, Kobayashi, state, Taken together these findings suggest that RGS8 participates in modulation of depression-like behavior through ciliary MCHR1 expressed in the CA1 region. Some of the factors that have been also been identified as contributing to depression include:

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What Is Long Covid

Long COVID is a condition where the effects of COVID-19 linger for weeks or months after the initial illness, even when the virus is no longer detected in the body. While most people who contract coronavirus recover within a few weeks, others experience long-term symptoms that include fatigue, respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, and psychological issues like depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, and brain fog.

Otherwise known as post-COVID-19 syndrome, long-tail COVID, or long-haul COVID, the effects can impact your ability to work, study, manage your finances, take part in social activities, or make decisions. Even light physical activities, such as housework, driving, or making a phone call can leave you feeling exhausted and aching. You may be unusually forgetful, find it difficult to concentrate on simple tasks, or feel like youre unable to think straight. Some people with long COVID feel like their head is clouded or in a fog, making it difficult to do math calculations, for example, or find the right word to say. As a long hauler, you may also suffer changes in your mood, most commonly exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder .

Of course, because its such a new virus, much remains unclear about the lasting effects of COVID-19, including why some people are affected by long COVID, what exactly causes the symptoms, or how long theyre likely to last.

Ways To Manage Your Symptoms

Treating your underlying condition will go a long way toward helping you resolve your issues with waking up. Whatever the cause, it will help to practice good sleep habits:

  • Follow a schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to help control your body clock.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine: These can disrupt your sleep.
  • Limit naps: Long naps in the daytime may make it hard to fall asleep at night. If you do need a catnap, donât rest for longer than 30 minutes, and donât snooze late in the day.
  • Exercise: Daily physical activity can boost energy and might also help you sleep better. But donât overdo it too close to bedtime.
  • Make your room sleep-friendly: Too much light or noise might make it hard to fall asleep. Use shades, earplugs, or a white noise machine to create a comfy place to sleep. Also, make sure your bedroom is cool. Between 60 and 67 degrees is ideal.
  • Stay away from screens: Using tablets, phones, TVs, laptops, and other gadgets before bed can throw off your bodyâs clock. This can make it harder to go to sleep. Try to ditch the devices at least 30 minutes before bed.

Certain medicines or other therapies can also help you get a better nightâs rest.

Itâs important to see your doctor if you think you have dysania, or any sleep problem, so you can get the help you need.

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Create An Ideal Sleeping Environment

Being able to fall asleep at your preferred bedtime will also help you get up at your preferred time since youll be receiving enough sleep for your body. You can assist your body and brain to relax by establishing a sleep-friendly atmosphere, which will make it simpler for you to fall asleep.

If you want to obtain a better nights sleep, make sure the room is dark. If the environment is loud, you may wish to wear earplugs or a sound machine to block out the sounds. Youll also want to keep an eye on the rooms temperature. If its too hot or too chilly, its unlikely that youll sleep well . You may make your room more comfortable by adjusting the thermostat an hour or more before bedtime, or by purchasing fresh linens that better suit your preferences.

Lifting Depression Without An Rx

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Depression affects nearly 16 million Americans annually, and a large portion of those people take antidepressant drugs. While antidepressants have been shown to help those with moderate to severe depression, they are usually less effective for those with mild depression.If you dont respond to antidepressants , you may want to explore nondrug remedies to lift your depression.

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What To Do If You Have Long Covid

Since the symptoms and impact of long COVID can vary so much from patient to patient, its important to tailor your coping strategies to your specific symptoms. Physical problems such as shortness of breath, fever, and pain may leave you feeling drained of energy, mentally exhausted, and lead to a depressed mood, all of which require different coping skills.

While it can feel overwhelming, there are steps you can take to care for your overall health and ease your distress at this difficult time.

Seek medical help immediately if you experience chest pain, trouble breathing, a profound change in weight, or are unable to stay awake, eat, or drink. Your doctor may also be able to help relieve physical symptoms and rule out any serious complications or underlying causes.

Get vaccinated. While research is ongoing, some long-haulers have reported that having a COVID-19 vaccine has helped relieve their symptoms.

Continue to practice caution to avoid reinfection. Wear a mask if youre out in public, avoid non-essential travel, wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake. Both can disrupt your sleep and adversely affect your immune system. Caffeine may give you a short-term boost but it can lead to a painful crash in energy later.

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