Thursday, July 4, 2024

Is Ritalin Used For Depression

Treating Major Depression And Adhd

Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) – Uses, Dosage, Side Effects and Safety – Doctor Explains

What should people with both ADHD and MDD do? Which should be addressed first? The decision is usually made by the patient based on what he thinks is the most urgent or impairing condition. Given the choice, I treat ADHD first with a stimulant. This is based on my experience that a high percentage of patients report that their mood lifts when they have achieved optimal doses of stimulant-class medication.

If the depressive symptoms persist, an antidepressant is usually added to the ADHD medication. Many clinicians opt for fluoxetine , since it has no effect on ADHD and its long duration in the body makes it an ideal drug for patients who forget to take it.

Some clinicians may use a second-line medication alone for cases of mild to moderate depression plus ADHD. It should be noted that, while antidepressant medications have published studies to show that they help with ADHD symptoms, none have shown robust effects. They have demonstrated detectable benefits but only as second-line medications when the use of stimulants or an alpha agonist is not appropriate.

What Are Dexedrine And Ritalin Used For

Dexedrine and Ritalin are both primarily used to treat ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition with symptoms that include:

  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Difficulty with organization and planning
  • Difficulty following instructions

Ritalin is considered an effective treatment for ADHD, and it is commonly used along with counseling and other nonmedical therapies to treat the condition. It may come as an extended-release or immediate-release tablets, as well as a chewable tablet or liquid. Ritalin may also be used for elderly patients with ADHD or narcolepsy, and it is preferred over alternatives because it is a safer option for this population.

Ritalin does have some associated risks for certain people. The drug can raise blood pressure and heart rate thus, it is not safe for people with heart problems. Ritalin could also slow the development of children and adolescents who take the drug.

Side effects of Ritalin include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Irritability

Dexedrine is another effective medication for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The drug is available in short- and long-acting formulas, and it can be taken in tablet or liquid form.

Side effects of Dexedrine include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Habit-forming potential

What Should I Do If I Forget A Dose

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember it. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how late in the day you should take a missed dose of your medication so that it will not cause difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep. However, if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. If you are taking the long-acting capsule , take the missed dose as soon as you remember it that night. However, if it is already the next morning, skip the missed dose of the long-acting capsule and continue your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.

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Can You Have Adhd And Depression At The Same Time

Yes, it is possible to have both ADHD and depression at the same time. In fact, one survey found that 18.6% of adults with ADHD also had major depressive disorder, a type of depression that involves feeling sad almost every day for at least 2 weeks. Around 12.8% of adults with ADHD in the survey also had dysthymic disorder, which is a milder but more chronic form of depression that lasts at least 2 years and is now referred to as persistent depressive disorder. Depression can often make ADHD symptoms worse.

Recognizing whether or not a person with ADHD also has depression can be difficult, because some of the symptoms of ADHD and depression overlap. People with both conditions can experience difficulty with concentration and focus. However, people with ADHD can typically focus on things that they find interesting, like a television show or video games, while people with depression may find it hard to focus on most things. Both conditions can also cause people to appear restless and agitated. But people with depression may seem restless because they feel anxious, while people with ADHD tend to be so restless that they cant stop themselves from moving around, climbing, fidgeting, and sitting still.

In some cases, a person taking medication for ADHD may show signs of depression, like sad mood, irritability, and a flat affect or facial expressions. These medication side effects can sometimes be confused for depression.

Are People With Adhd And Depression More At Risk For Suicide

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In addition to an increased risk for conduct problems, obesity, and other conditions, there is an increased risk for suicide among people with ADHD who also suffer from depression. This is true for males and females of all age groups. People with ADHD often have trouble controlling their impulses, making them more likely to act on negative thoughts and feelings without considering the consequences of their actions.

Warning signs that you or a loved one may be at risk for suicide include:

  • Feeling sad, moody, or irritable

  • Thinking or talking about death

  • Hopelessness

  • Withdrawal from family and friends

  • Engaging in risky and dangerous behavior

  • Self-harming

  • Acquiring means for suicide, like purchasing a gun or pills

If youre feeling suicidal or concerned about a loved one, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at . You can also chat online with a trained counselor. The Lifeline is completely confidential and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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The Effects Of Ritalin On The Body

Ritalin is a nervous system stimulant thats commonly used to treat ADHD in adults and children.

Its a brand-name prescription medication that targets dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain to reduce common ADHD symptoms.

Though Ritalin is a stimulant, when used in ADHD treatment, it may help with concentration, fidgeting, attention, and listening skills.

According to the , about 6.1 million U.S. children ages 2 to 17 were diagnosed with ADHD as of 2016.

Ritalin is just one form of treatment for ADHD. Its often complemented with behavioral therapy.

Ritalin is sometimes used to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder.

As with all stimulants, this medication is a federally controlled substance. It can be misused, which comes with the risk of serious side effects.

Ritalin should only be used with medical supervision. Your doctor will likely see you every few months to make sure the medication is working as it should.

Even if you take Ritalin correctly and dont misuse it, it can carry the risk for side effects.

Ritalin influences both dopamine and norepinephrine activity in your brain.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects pleasure, movement, and attention span. Norepinephrine is a stimulant.

Ritalin increases the action of these neurotransmitters by blocking their reabsorption into your brains neurons. The levels of these chemicals increase slowly, so your doctor will start you on the lowest possible dose and increase it in small increments, if necessary.

Connection Between Adderall And Depression

Adderall and depression are linked in multiple ways. Adderall has been used as an off-label treatment for depression in patients who experience depression in combination with ADHD. Because stimulants can increase alertness, attention, and energy, they can feel like mood boosters for those experiencing depression.

But Adderall can cause depression, especially if a person is taking a high dosage of the drug and suddenly discontinues use. Adderall is also commonly misused and taken without a prescription. Non-medically deemed the “study drug,” Adderall is widely known for its ability to increase attention for long periods of time. Many high school and college students also use it recreationally.

The problem is that many people dont know how stimulants work, what side effects can occur, and how the drug impacts the body in the short and long term. Adderall dependence and withdrawal can be dangerous and can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, fatigue, sleep problems, and more.

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Mental & Emotional Effects Of Ritalin

Ritalin, also sold under the generic name methylphenidate, is a central nervous system stimulant used to treat attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder .While the drug is effective in treating inattention symptoms of ADHD, using Ritalin can result in mental and emotional changes in the patient. This is due to the drug increasing the levels of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter linked to mood, pleasure and behavior.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Ritalin Cocaine And The Brain

About Ritalin

Ritalin and cocaine have different effects on humans. But their effects on the brain are very similar. When given to preteen rats, both drugs cause long-term changes in behavior.

One of the changes seems good. Early exposure to Ritalin makes rats less responsive to the rewarding effects of cocaine. But that’s not all good. It might mean that the drug short-circuits the brain‘s reward system. That would make it difficult to experience pleasure — a “hallmark symptom of depression,” Carlezon and colleagues note.

The other change seems all bad. Early exposure to Ritalin increases rats’ depressive-like responses in a stress test.

“These experiments suggest that preadolescent exposure to in rats causes numerous complex behavioral adaptations, each of which endures into adulthood,” Carlezon and colleagues conclude. “This work highlights the importance of a more thorough understanding of the enduring neurobiological effects of juvenile exposure to psychotropic drugs.”

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Biological Psychiatry

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What Other Information Should I Know

If you are taking methylphenidate long-acting tablets , you may notice something that looks like a tablet in your stool. This is just the empty tablet shell, and this does not mean that you did not get your complete dose of medication.

Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your doctor may check your blood pressure and heart rate and order certain lab tests to check your response to methylphenidate.

This prescription is not refillable. Be sure to schedule appointments with your doctor on a regular basis so that you do not run out of medication.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

The Role Of Medications

Until recently, doctors prescribed an antidepressant medication from only a single class of drugs, one medication at one time. This is called monotherapy.

Doctors generally start at a lower dosage, increasing the dosage of the medication before ruling out it isnt working.

If that happens, they might try another medication within that class, or switch to another class of antidepressants entirely.

Research now suggests that taking antidepressants from multiple classes may be the best way to treat MDD.

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Preteen Ritalin May Increase Depression

Early Use of ADHD Drug Alters Brain, Rat Studies Show

Dec. 8, 2003 — Ritalin use in preteen children may lead to depression later in life, studies of rats suggest.

It’s an open question whether what passes for depression in lab rats has anything to do with depression in humans. But early use of Ritalin and other stimulant drugs seems to permanently alter animals’ brains. That raises concerns that the same thing might be happening in children who take these drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .

The findings come from a research team led by William A. Carlezon Jr., PhD, director of the behavioral genetics laboratory at McLean Hospital and associate professor at Harvard Medical School. The study appears in the Dec. 15 issue of Biological Psychiatry.

“Rats exposed to Ritalin as juveniles showed large increases in learned-helplessness behavior during adulthood, suggesting a tendency toward depression,” Carlezon says in a news release. “These rats also showed abnormally high levels of activity in familiar environments. might reflect basic alterations in the way rats pay attention to their surroundings.”

How Should This Medicine Be Used

Can You Get High on Ritalin? » Corpina

Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take methylphenidate exactly as directed.

Do not try to push the extended-release orally disintegrating tablet through the blister pack foil. Instead, use dry hands to peel back the foil packaging. Immediately take out the tablet and place it in your mouth. The tablet will quickly dissolve and can be swallowed with saliva no water is needed to swallow the tablet.

You should thoroughly chew the immediate-release chewable tablets and then drink a full glass of water or other liquid. If you take the immediate-release chewable tablet without enough liquid, the tablet may swell and block your throat and may cause you to choke. If you have chest pain, vomiting, or trouble swallowing or breathing after taking the chewable tablet, you should call your doctor or get emergency medical treatment immediately.

If you are taking the long-acting chewable tablet and your doctor has told you to take part of the tablet to get the correct amount of your dose, break the 20 mg or 30 mg long-acting chewable tablet carefully along the lines that have been scored into it. However, the 40 mg long-acting chewable tablet is not scored and cannot be divided or split.

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Behavioral Signs Of Ritalin Abuse

As Ritalin is a prescription drug, a person may visit different doctors in order to get a large enough supply. These individuals will have to fill their prescriptions at pharmacies around town and beyond. Doing this can leave its mark a person will typically collect numerous prescription bottles that show different doctors names and pharmacies and reflect an overlap in time between prescriptions. While adults may engage in this behavior, it is not likely teens will do so. Among teens and young adults, the more likely scenario is that that they borrow or even steal Ritalin from friends, family, and/or neighbors. According to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Ritalin can be reformatted for abuse. One way is for a person to crush and snort the Ritalin. Individuals who abuse Ritalin this way will typically own a hammer-like device that can grind the Ritalin into a snortable powder. This may include the heel of a shoe, an espresso tamper, or a hammer. These individuals may also use a straight-edged object, such as a credit card, to make the powdered Ritalin into lines for snorting. A loved one may find such objects with powder residue on them.

The following behavioral changes may emerge around Ritalin abuse:

There are a host of additional possible behavioral side effects, but one of the most telling signs is simply a change in a person. Most people do not suddenly experience a shift in personality out of the blue.

What Medical Conditions Would Make Someone Ineligible For Ritalin Therapy

Do not take Ritalin if you are allergic to the medication or have any of the following conditions: glaucoma, Tourettes symptoms, and history of muscle tic. Ritalin can also worsen symptoms of severe anxiety or agitation. Talk to your doctor if you have heart problems, high blood pressure, seizures, circulation problems, a history of mental illness such as depression or bipolar disorder, or a history of substance use problems.

You should not take Ritalin if you are allergic to the medication. Also if you have glaucoma, Tourettes symptoms, a history of muscle tics, you should not take Ritalin. The drug can also make symptoms of severe anxiety or agitation even worse. Also talk to your doctor if you have heart problems, high blood pressure, seizures, circulation problems, a history of mental illness such as depression or bipolar disorder, or a history of substance use problems.

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Using Adderall For Depression

Though ADHD and depression can be diagnosed separately or together, says Alex Dimitriu, MD, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, its better to treat one condition at a time. Even though ADHD can cause depression and stimulants like Adderall can help with symptoms of both conditions, it’s often best to treat the depression first, Dr. Dimitriu explains. Once mood is regulated, cognitive function can be evaluated.

“It is important to realize that certain treatments in psychiatry, like stimulants, are more of a bandaid than a fundamental treatment,” says Dr. Dimitriu.

Often, medications that are FDA-approved to treat depression like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are better treatment options for depression symptoms even in people with ADHD.

Other treatment options for depression, in addition to or in place of medications, may include alternative therapies such as:

While other medications are often more effective for treating depression, Adderall also comes with additional risks. “Adderall can be habit-forming, and people with depression may abuse the substance because it can provide a high,” adds Nicole Arzt, MS, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist.

How Should I Take Ritalin

Do stimulants help with depression Stimulants for treatment resistant depression

Take Ritalin exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose.

Methylphenidate may be habit-forming. Misuse can cause addiction, overdose, or death. Keep the medication where others cannot get to it. Selling or giving away Ritalin is against the law.

Your dose needs may change if you switch to a different brand, strength, or form of this medicine. Avoid medication errors by using only the medicine your doctor prescribes.

Ritalin immediate release tablets are usually taken 2 to 3 times a day. Take Ritalin IR tablets 30 to 45 minutes before a meal.

Ritalin LA extended-release capsule are taken once daily in the morning.

You may take Ritalin LA capsules with or without food, but take them the same way each time.

Swallow the Ritalin LA extended-release capsule whole. If you cannot swallow the capsule whole, open it and mix the medicine with soft food such as applesauce, pudding or yogurt. Swallow the mixture right away without chewing.

Tell your doctor if you have a planned surgery.

Your treatment may also include counseling or other treatments.

Your doctor will need to check your progress on a regular basis. From time-to-time, your doctor may stop Ritalin treatment for a while to check ADHD symptoms. Your heart and blood pressure may also need to be checked often.

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