Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mood Tracker App For Depression

How Can I Monitor My Anxiety

Mood Tracking Apps for Anxiety and Depression: Moodnotes CBT & Mood Journal

One important feature that many mental health apps offer is the ability to monitor your anxiety. Such apps may offer informational resources to help you identify times when you are feeling anxious, and then have a quick way to record your mood and the events that preceded those anxious feelings.

Monitoring and recording your feelings of anxiety can help you learn to recognize the triggers that often contribute to them. Once you recognize these signs, you’ll be better able to manage the situations that cause you anxiety and practice relaxation strategies that can help you regain equilibrium.

Best Mood Tracker Apps For Your Improvement

So, these were the best mood tracker apps that you should definitely try to fight with your anxiety, bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, etc.

But please remember that mental health is very important to be taken care of like any other physical injury.

These apps can be a good way to track and control your mood but if you dont see improvement, you should consult a therapist and also look out for proper medication. Helping others and helping yourself are also major parts of fighting mental health issues.

If you are looking for a mood tracking app for your teenager, remember to have a parental control app as well. It will give you peace of mind and will protect your kid from dangers on the internet. You can find a list of free parental apps in this blog.

If you know of any other app that is helpful in tracking mood, let us know in the comments.

What Makes A Good Mood Tracking App

The use of mood tracking apps, and other healthcare apps, have broken barriers and created accessible healthcare and/or support . Especially amidst a pandemic, mental health apps have become wildly popular amongst the youth and elderly alike. However, there is some debate about what makes mental health, particularly mood tracking apps, legitimate and effective.

A survey distributed by Stawarz and colleagues asked 81 people what they looked for in mood tracking apps and other mental health apps. More specifically, which features they found to be important and credible. 32% of respondents reported that professional input and the ability to self-monitor were very important. When asked about specific features, 40% of respondents said mood tracking was very important and another 59% responded that guided activities in addition to mood tracking were important features they looked for.

So, that is a pretty good idea of what users look for in a good mood tracking app, but what do professionals think comprises a good mood tracking app? While each professional may differ on opinions and criteria, the general consensus is the app is based in CBT , addresses anxiety and low mood, includes customization, enables a tracking or report system of symptoms or mood, curates specific activities based on mood, consists of a simple interface, establishes efficacy, and provides credible information .

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Why Its Good For Your Mental Health

Why should we care about tracking and noticing our mood patterns? Well, because the way we feel impacts the way we think.

And the way we think determines the actions we take, which in turn influences our experiences and ultimately, our feelings.

This is a good example of how connected and cyclical our systems are.

The below quote by Darwin emphasizes the connected nature of our body organs and adds some explanation to this phenomenon.

When the mind is strongly excited, we might expect that it would instantly affect in a direct manner the heart and this is universally acknowledged and felt to be the case. Claude Bernard also repeatedly insists, and this deserves especial notice, that when the heart is affected it reacts on the brain and the state of the brain again reacts through the pneumo-gastric nerve on the heart so that under any excitement there will be much mutual action and reaction between these, the two most important organs of the body.

Darwin, 1872, p. 69.

From this, we can deduce that maintaining a positive mood ensures a balanced outlook and notably influences our wellbeing. On the other hand, being in a constant state of nervousness, where our feelings go up and down as a result of external stimuli, creates an imbalance that leads to ill-being.

This greatly lowers the persons capacity to experience their full range of emotions.

There are several tools available that organize and track moods, and other factors that influence the way we feel and think.

Diary Mood Tracker Daylio

Free Mood Tracker App To Fight Depression and Anxiety

Daylio enables you to keep a private diary without having to type a single line. Pick your mood and add activities you have been doing during the day. You can also add notes and keep an old school diary. Daylio is collecting recorded moods and activities in the statistics and calendar. This format will help you to understand your habits better. Keep track of your activities and create patterns to become more productive.

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Invaluable Tool Constantly Evolving

Pacifica, especially the premium version, has been invaluable to my mental health. Its got an array of tools for you to use daily, including mood trackers, meditations, health trackers, a hope board, thoughts, and goals. Each tool has a number of options to choose from, and its likely youll find at least one thing helpful to you and your situation. They also have guided paths, which are daily tools to help you change the way you think. In addition, they also have community boards and a chat feature, which supremely help to know youre not alone and to be able to read what other people found helpful. Everything put together is a great resource for treating anxiety and depression. The free version is useful in itself, but I fell in love with the guided paths and wanted more out of it. The price of the app does not compare to the benefits Ive received through consistent use of the app. One of the best parts is the involvement of one of the creators. Hes always on the boards addressing issues people are having with the app, and they do their best to keep everyone informed on whats to come. They make updates and keep the app fresh. You can tell they care about the work theyre doing, and Im happy to be a Pacifica user. Highly recommend you give the app a try if you experience anxiety or depression.

What Are The Benefits Of Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps have a range of potential benefits that make them appealing to many people, such as:

  • Accessibility: Because mental health apps are convenient and accessible, they can be a great resource for people who may struggle to access other options.
  • Anonymity: Most mental health apps have measures that allow people to find information and access treatment in a way that is private and secure.
  • Convenience: You can access these tools anywhere and at any time, making them a great option for busy people who are always on the go.
  • Engagement: These apps can be an engaging and even fun way to learn about mental health and improve well-being. People are often able to set their own daily reminders, so regular notifications help them to stay engaged.

Research also suggests that mental health apps have a great deal of potential, both as treatment tools and as supplements to traditional therapy.

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Using A Depression Tracker Diary To Manage Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in the world, affecting millions of people. In fact, 1 in 5 people are diagnosed with depression each year, with women being more commonly affected than men. Either as a result of a genetic predisposition, external life factors or both, one begins to experience feelings of sadness and lose interest in everyday activities. When these changes begin to impact the daily functioning, it is possible that one might suffer from depression. Using a depression tracker diary is the first step in determining causes, results and a possible way to manage it.

CareClinic can be useful in managing and treating depressive disorders. It ensures the effective management of the treatment plan, helping one fight and overcome depression. Such an application can help one stay on the right track, dealing with the manifestations of depression and sorting through the different treatment options .

Best Mood Tracker Ideas For Your Bullet Journal Mood Charts

Mood Tracking Apps for Managing Anxiety and Depression, part 2: MindDoc Review
  • 07-12-2021

You cant manage what you dont measure.

This is true in business, health, and can even be applied to ones personal life.

The fact is unless an individual is able to organize, analyze and process the data theyre working with, reaching an accurate conclusion can be difficult.

Firstly, because one needs to know exactly what theyre working with. And secondly, because organizing the information in an orderly log provides a more clear picture, which makes the decision-making process much easier.

When it comes to personal wellbeing, ones mood plays an important role in determining energy levels, where attention is focused, and what actions are taken. One study suggested that:

when participants were in a happy mood, they processed information more globally compared to when they were in a sad mood.

This study shows that, when individuals are more positive, they gather more information from the outside world. With more information, people can make better and more clear choices, which is always a good thing.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to . These detailed, science-based exercises will not only help you increase the compassion and kindness you show yourself but will also give you the tools to help your clients, students, or employees show more compassion to themselves.

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Depression A Condition That Can Be Treated With Success

Depression is a common mood disorder, which can have a negative influence on your behavior and overall quality of life . It is also known as the major depressive disorder or clinical disorder is based on feelings of sadness and anhedonia.

Many people who suffer from depression feel as if they lost all hope. They also have low self-esteem and consider they cannot be helped. Each person will experience depression in a different manner and the duration of each episode might vary . One might also perceive regular activities to be too difficult to complete, isolating himself/herself.

What are the symptoms you might experience?

Depression is a condition characterized by a low mood and a persistent feeling of intense sadness. One can also experience feelings of guilt, losing interest in otherwise pleasurable activities.

Suicidal and self-harm thoughts can be present, as well as an irritable/intolerant attitude. Anxiety completes the clinical picture, with one being generally indecisive or worried about minor facts.

Apart from the above-mentioned psychological manifestations, one can also experience physical symptoms.

Depressive persons can gain or lose weight, in accordance to the changes in their appetite. They adopt a sedentary lifestyle and even their speech can be affected. One can suffer from insomnia or, on the contrary, sleep more than usual.

Are there different types of depression?

Best For Anxiety: Worry Watch

  • Moods Tracked: Stress, anxiety, depression
  • Pricing: Free with in-app purchases

Worry Watch is a data-driven anxiety management and coping tool that offers detailed insights into your thought patterns.

  • Detailed visual charts and statistics

  • Positive affirmations and reminders

  • Interface can be tricky to navigate

Designed for anxiety self-care, the Worry Watch app puts a unique, data-driven spin on mood tracking and self-monitoring. It lets you record your anxious thought patterns and also allows you to set a reminder to revisit those worries and note whether the outcome was as bad as you initially anticipated. It does so with the help of a detailed statistics dashboard that can generate helpful reports. The result? You may realize that your worries and anxious feelings may be mostly unfounded.

Worry Watch features include:

  • Anxiety journal: The Worry Watch journal captures your anxious thoughts with a great level of detail. For example, you can record the context, scenario, and intensity of the anxious thoughts.
  • Anxiety tracker: Worry Watch offers tools that let you challenge irrational thoughts and behavior with visual charts and statistics that can show you that some worries may have been unwarranted.
  • Positive affirmations: You can set daily or weekly reminders that affirm optimism.
  • Personalized settings: The app allows you to set a password to restrict access to your journal and offers options for exporting or downloading data and reports.

Read Also: Association Of Anxiety And Depression

Tracking Your Mood Using Google Sheets

Finally, I created an Apps Script Trigger to send me the email reminder every morning. Step 1. Creating the spreadsheet and the form. I created a new spreadsheet and renamed it to Mood Tracker. Next, I inserted a Form into the sheet to collect responses. I seelectd Insert from the menu bar and then Form.

The 6 Best Apps For Depression In 2022

Mood Tracker, Journal &  Anti Depression Diary app for ...

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Heres our process.

From meditation to mood tracking, we found some of the best apps to help you manage your depression symptoms.

Living with depression and feeling hopeless or unable to enjoy things that used to bring you joy can be challenging. But youre not alone. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions worldwide.

In 2017, approximately had at least one major episode of depression. Thats slightly over 7% of the adult population.

But 2020 and 2021 arent exactly normal years. Due to COVID-19, depression symptoms are now more than three times higher than they were pre-pandemic. The biggest increase came from individuals with less social and economic resources.

While apps to combat depression wont replace medication or therapy, they may help decrease your stress and alleviate some of your depression symptoms, according to research from 2017 .

We know that when youre experiencing symptoms of depression and are trying to find relief, you dont necessarily want to wade through tons of apps to find the best one. So, weve rounded up our favorites from skills-based assistance to sleep stories and even games.

To find the right apps, we reviewed numerous contenders, looking at the following:

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Fight Depression With The Careclinic Depress Tracker App

The CareClinic depression tracking app can offer valuable support in managing depression. It can serve as a diary in which you will log the different symptoms experienced, as well as a medication reminder. It will ensure that you adhere to your current treatment plan, but also be useful for making any necessary adjustments. You can track your progress and feel more in control as your condition is concerned.

To get started tracking your mood to find correlations, triggers, and just logging your health,

General Mental Health Apps

With the state of the world set to crazy mode right now, who isnt having feelings? Whatever your emotionstress, anger, angst, depressiona little extra help dealing is something we could all use, amiright? These apps are like a little pocket therapy that provide approachable, easy-to-use ways to manage every mood, help change unhealthy thought patterns, and give you effective strategies to stay grounded when life feels out of control.

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How Is The Depressive Disorder Diagnosed

The depression diagnosis is made in accordance with specific clinical criteria. A depressive episode is one that lasts for at least two weeks, affecting the quality of daily living.

Upon making the diagnosis, the physician must take into account and rule out underlying causes. Depressive-like states can be caused by medication, drugs and medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders.

In case you exhibit any of the above-specified symptoms, you should talk to your general physician. The doctor can recommend a psychological evaluation or guide you towards a psychiatrist. Depression is also diagnosed with the help of rating scales, which can offer information on the severity of current manifestations/episodes.

What are the causes and risk factors associated with depression?

There is no single cause behind the appearance of depression. However, there are several factors that can lead to depressive episodes. First, there is a genetic predisposition, which can increase the risk of developing depression by 50%.

One can also experience changes in the levels of brain neurotransmitters, leading to mood disorders. Environmental, psychological and social factors are to blame as well. Head injuries, alcohol and drug consumption, as well as childhood trauma, can cause depressive episodes.

Panelist Ratings & Comments

Bipolar Disorder and Mood Tracker Apps

The Sanvello app could be a helpful tool for interested clients contending with mild stress, anxiety or depression to use between therapy sessions as a part of their overall treatment plan. It seems to do a nice job of helping individuals become more mindful and to pay more attention to their emotions, thoughts and body sensations. The mindfulness activities, visualizations, behavior tracking, goal-setting, cognitive-behavioral strategies and peer support are all psychologically based. It could be even more effective if the company offered one free month for people to test drive the app before deciding to pay for the premium content. It is important for potential users of the app to note that it is not a substitute for mental health treatment. Kristi K. Phillips, PsyD


Sanvello is based on the principles of meditation, mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy strategies and techniques. The app focuses in on the aspects of stress, anxiety and depression that are related to negative thoughts and how negative thoughts may influence feelings, emotions and actions.


Sanvellos guided journeys were designed with the support of psychologists and cater to specific symptoms, delivered in audio lessons and activities based on cognitive behavioral therapy strategies and techniques.




  • Sanvello costs $8.99 a month or $53.99 yearly, or $200 dollars for a lifetime account.

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