Monday, September 2, 2024

What Therapy Is Used For Depression

What Types Of Depression Can Emdr Treat

TMS Therapy Used to Treat Severe Depression | UC San Diego Health

Because EMDR is considered to be a type of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, it may be more beneficial for people who have depression as a result of a traumatic experience. Depression caused by things such as nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, or other non-traumatic factors may not react to EMDR treatment.

If you suffer from any of the following types of depression, you may benefit from this type of therapy:

Nutrition May Aid In Managing Depression

Good nutrition, in addition to expert treatment, is often a cornerstone for the management of any mental illness. In a state of malnutrition , most treatments for depression will have limited efficacy , Wassenaar explains.

In fact, research has demonstrated an increasingly clear role for nutrition in managing depression. For example, the SMILES trial published in January 2017 in BMC Medicine found that dietary counseling provided by a registered dietitian to people with moderate to severe depression may provide an efficacious and accessible treatment strategy for the management of this highly prevalent mental disorder.

Other research has shed light on a potential link between diet, depression, and gut health. A review article published in July 2019 in Nutrients indicates that the quality of ones diet impacts the gut microbiota , which can in turn affect depression risk.

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Some people with depression turn to the herb St. Johns wort as a home remedy, but doctors are concerned about interactions with other medications. Do not use St. Johns wort while you’re taking antidepressants, since the combination can result in serious side effects.

How Ketamine Therapy Works To Treat Depression

In many ways, ketamine is a functional approach to depression.

The old monoamine hypothesis of depression was formulated in the 1950s and states that depression is the result of low levels of the monoamine neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine and/or norepinephrine, Dr. Dow states. This is the philosophy that is the underpinning of most major psychotropic medications like SSRI antidepressants , SNRI antidepressants and Wellbutrin .

Ketamine works in very different ways. First, its not targeting the serotonin pathway.

It works via the glutamate pathway, Dr. Dow says. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. But like those older antidepressants, ketamine has downstream effects on the monoamine neurotransmitters it will increase levels of dopamine and serotonin.

In terms of targeting the root cause, Dr. Dow explains how ketamine therapy works:

1. It relieves inflammation in the brain, and neuroinflammation has been linked to many mental illnesses.

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Talk Therapy For Depression And Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are different diagnoses, with some overlapping symptoms. Depression is sometimes a state of numbness, where anxiety can create a flighty state. Similarly, treatment for depression and anxiety is different, with some overlaps.

All types of talk therapy will give you space to get things off your chest. However, your therapist will work in a way relevant to the modality they follow. Mindfulness helps you find awareness and acceptance of your thoughts and feelings. A person centered approach explores your strengths to help you grow. Psychoanalysis enquires into your past, generally childhood, to find the reasons for your difficulties today. A psychodynamic approach considers how your unconscious thoughts affect your behaviour. Your therapist may use a combination of approaches, depending on their experience and beliefs.

Hypnosis or meditation will reset your body and give you the tools to bring it into a preferable state of allostasis. Regular hypnotherapy sessions will help you learn how to use meditation or self-hypnosis at home, so you have power to enhance your life yourself.

Are There Any Risks

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There is little long-term emotional risk associated with CBT. But exploring painful feelings and experiences can be stressful. Treatment may involve facing situations youd otherwise avoid.

For instance, you may be asked to spend time in public places if you have a fear of crowds. Alternately, you may need to confront difficult sources of trauma, like the death of a loved one.

These scenarios can provide opportunities to practice altered responses to stressful or adverse situations. The eventual goal of therapy is to teach you how to deal with anxiety and stress in a safe and constructive manner.

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Using Cognitive Therapy To Treat Depression In Adults

Treatment usually begins with the therapist presenting a cognitive model of depression. This involves describing how early thinking patterns can shape the way we view and interpret the present. When those patterns are negative and unquestioned, they can lead to the development of depressive symptoms. A cognitive therapist works with the patient to identify those schemas and unhelpful thinking patterns that drive his or her own experience of depression. The therapist uses a strategy of Socratic questioning along with other approaches to help the patient arrive at different understandings of situations and events that are personally compelling.

An important component of treatment is completing homework assignments outside of session. The patient learns to identify and record the unhelpful thoughts that trigger negative emotions and then utilizes the Socratic method to analyze and refute those thoughts. These thought records are used in sessions to work together to identify and address root beliefs. By addressing the underlying negative beliefs about the self, the world, others and the future, depressive symptoms are then presumed to subside.

Treatment For Severe And Complex Depression

If your depression is severe and complex, your doctor should refer you to specialist mental health services. They can discuss with you the following options:

  • Trying talking therapies and medication again. Your healthcare team may suggest a different medication, or a combination of drugs with other treatments.
  • Medication for psychotic symptoms. If you are experiencing depression with psychotic symptoms, your healthcare team may prescribe antipsychotic medication alongside your current treatment plan. See our pages on psychosis and antipsychotics for more information.
  • Crisis resolution services. A crisis resolution and home treatment team is a team of mental health professionals who can support you at your home during a mental health crisis, rather than going into hospital. See our page on crisis services for more information.
  • Hospital admission. If you are severely depressed and at risk of suicide, self-harm or self-neglect, you may need to be cared for in hospital as an in-patient. A hospital can provide a safe and supportive environment if you are in a state of distress. See our page on hospital admission for more information.

“A majority of the treatments I tried were ineffective but at crisis point, about to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital, I started Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Sertraline. I can honestly say that they saved my life.”

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Get Help For Depression With Talkspace

Talkspace is a unique therapeutic experience, where you can get the help you need for your depression from the comfort of your own home. If you cant meet with a therapist in person, consider trying our online therapy service. Our online platform pairs you with a skilled mental health professional who can help you address and deal with your depression so that you can begin your journey of healing.

Therapy Helps Most People Who Try It

A promising new treatment for depression

About 75 percent of people who try psychotherapy experience some benefit, and the average person who participates in therapy is better off by the end of treatment than 80 percent of people who dont receive treatment, according to the American Psychological Association .

Some experts believe that cognitive behavioral therapy one of the most well-supported types of therapy for depression may provide a viable alternative to antidepressant medications, even for some people with severe depression.

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Introduction To Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapists encourage the individual to freely explore his/her current mood and thinking to begin to recognize patterns of behavior and unexpressed feelings. The therapeutic relationship is often used to identify the individuals common verbal and nonverbal patterns and nuances that negatively impact his/her other important relationships as well as view of self. The individual can apply lessons learned in the therapeutic relationship to issues he/she is currently experiencing in his/her personal relationships. Adults generally receive three to 80 weekly sessions of psychodynamic therapy, although the studies the APA guideline development panel reviewed consisted of short-term psychodynamic therapies.

Psychodynamic therapy is recommended for the treatment of depression in adults.

Status In The United States

In the United States, the Medicare program covers outpatient mental health services and visits with the following professionals15:

  • Psychiatrist or other physician
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Physician assistant

Medicare covers counselling or therapy only when delivered by a health care professional who accepts assignment, which is an agreement by a health care professional to be paid directly by Medicare accept the payment amount that Medicare approves for the service and not bill the patient for more than the fee of the Medicare deductible and coinsurance.15

There are caveats around the specific amount a patient is required to pay for treatment depending on several factors, such as the following15:

  • Other insurance the patient may have
  • How much the health care professional charges
  • Whether the provider accepts assignment
  • The type of facility in which treatment is provided
  • The location where the patient receives treatment

Health care professionals may recommend a patient receive treatment more often than what Medicare will cover.15 Or, they may recommend services that Medicare does not cover. In such cases, the patient may have to pay some or all of the treatment costs.15

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Using Psychodynamic Therapy To Treat Depression In Adults

There are very different models of psychodynamic therapy. Variations are based on drive/conflict, interpersonal/relational, or attachment theories. Depending on the patients preference, psychodynamic therapy can be either short-term or long-term.

Short-term psychodynamic therapy is time-limited and focuses on one major problem area contributing to the current depression . The initial phase of therapy typically involves promoting a supportive environment and providing education about depression. People with depression are often preoccupied with negative, hopeless thoughts, and experience neurovegetative signs and symptoms that are understood as stemming from earlier traumatic events and unresolved feelings.

Although patients are encouraged to engage in external activities that they identify as important and rewarding, the therapy focuses on in-session work to identify core conflicts or maladaptive patterns in the patients life. These often involve themes of abandonment and loss and subsequent negative feelings about the experiences. Facilitating increased self-awareness and self-expression, as well as encouraging new behaviors, are essential aims of treatment.

Are Some Types Of Therapy Especially Effective Against Depression

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Depression is a multifaceted disorder, and it responds to therapies that specifically target one or another area of dysfunction. Four types of therapy have proved effective in patients with depression extensively studied during treatment and followed up for significant periods of time afterwards. They are: Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy , Interpersonal Therapy , Psychodynamic Therapy, and Behavioral Activation .

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Online Therapy For Cbt

If you feel that you or a loved one could benefit from CBT, there are several telehealth platforms that can virtually connect you with a trained therapist. Here are some to consider:

  • TalkSpace. After taking an initial assessment and choosing your subscription plan, youll be connected with someone from their network of over 3,000 licensed therapists.
  • BetterHelp. This telehealth company has one of the largest networks of licensed therapists and offers individual, couples, and family counseling.
  • Amwell. Along with talk therapy, Amwell can also connect you with online psychiatrists who can prescribe medications.
  • 7 Cups. This telehealth network is significantly less expensive than other online therapy platforms. Plus, 7 Cups offers emotional support and access to speak to a trained volunteer at no charge.

How Effective Is Cbt For Treating Depression

There have been many studies that show CBT is an effective treatment for depression.

One study found that CBT was as effective as antidepressant medications in treating patients with depression. The same study also found that patients who completed the full course of CBT sessions were less likely to experience a relapse of their depression symptoms after treatment than those who received only medication.

Another recent study found that patients treated with CBT showed a marked improvement in their depression symptoms.

However, its important to note that some studies do find mixed results, and patients with the most severe symptoms also typically show the most improvement from therapy.

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What Is The Best Therapy For Depression

There are many different types of depression therapy that are used, and some have more supportive evidence to prove their effectiveness. CBT, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and interpersonal therapy are all considered evidence-based treatments for depression.1,5,6 Problem solving therapy is also proven to help people with depression, but may be more appropriate for mild to moderate depression.1,3

Newer therapies like ECT and psychedelic therapy have also shown some promising results, but carry a higher risk for adverse effects than other therapies.8,11 Dialectical behavioral therapy or EMDR can benefit some indiividuals with depression, especially if they struggle with more severe symptoms, have a history of trauma, or experience suicidal thoughts.9,10 Sometimes, antidepressant medications in addition to therapy are needed to help people manage symptoms of depression.1

Cognitive Therapy For Depression: How It Works

What It’s Like to Do Ketamine Treatment for Depression

Cognitive therapy posits that most problems have several parts. Those parts include:

  • the problem as the person sees it
  • the person’s thoughts about the problem
  • the person’s emotions surrounding the problem
  • the person’s physical feelings at the time
  • the person’s actions before, during, and after the problem occurs

The way cognitive therapy works is a patient learns to “disassemble” problems into these various parts. Once a person does that, problems that seemed overwhelming become manageable.

During regular cognitive therapy sessions, a trained therapist teaches the tools of cognitive therapy. Then between sessions, the patient often does homework. That homework helps the person learn how to apply the tools to solve specific life problems.

“They make small changes in their thinking and behavior every day,” Beck says. “Then over time, these small changes lead to lasting improvement in mood and outlook.”

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Evidence Base For Cognitive Behavioral Therapy In Depression

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most evidence-based psychological interventions for the treatment of several psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorder, and substance use disorder. The uses are recently extended to psychotic disorders, behavioral medicine, marital discord, stressful life situations, and many other clinical conditions.

A sufficient number of researches have been conducted and shown the efficacy of CBT in depressive disorders. A meta-analysis of 115 studies has shown that CBT is an effective treatment strategy for depression and combined treatment with pharmacotherapy is significantly more effective than pharmacotherapy alone. Evidence also suggests that relapse rate of patient treated with CBT is lower in comparison to the patients treated with pharmacotherapy alone.

Treatment guidelines for the depression suggest that psychological interventions are effective and acceptable strategy for treatment. The psychological interventions are most commonly used for mild-to-moderate depressive episodes. As per the prevailing situations of India with regards to significant lesser availability of trained therapist in most of the places and patients preferences, the pharmacological interventions are offered as the first-line treatment modalities for treatment of depression.

Indication for Cognitive behavior therapy as enlisted in table 1.

Finding A Therapist For Depression

Globally, depression is one of the most common mental health conditions we face today. Its also very treatable in most cases. If you or someone you care about is living with depression, its important to find the right type of professional help. At the very least, you can also work to find the causes of your depression.

You can begin the process by contacting your family doctor and asking for a referral to a local mental health professional. Youll likely find that working with a professional therapist is calming and empowering.

Its rewarding to take charge of your life. Therapy can teach you new coping skills aimed at helping you manage depression symptoms on your own as you see them arising. In most cases, significant improvements are seen and felt within 5 20 weekly sessions. However, keep in mind that theres no standard, and each case is unique.

If your symptoms are severe and require immediate attention, dont hesitate to call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP . This free service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, offering assistance in both English and Spanish.

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What Does Interpersonal Therapy Do

Like CBT, IPT is a short-term, present-oriented therapy. Its primary target, however, is the difficultiy in interpersonal functioning that both gives rise to and results from depression. Many studies support the value of ameliorating interpersonal distress as a route to relieving depression. IPT focuses on four major interpersonal problem areasunresolved or complicated grief, struggles with a significant other , role transitions such as the end of a marriage or becoming physically ill, and frank deficits in interpersonal skills. Patients learn to understand which problem area is linked to onset of their episode of depression and to directly redress those difficulties, often by learning how to better express their emotions. With supportive guidance from the therapist, they learn new communication strategies and may even rehearse through role play new solutions to longstanding social difficulties.

Can Talk Therapy Be Used For Depression

Postnatal Depression

My previous blog post What is Talking Therapy? gives a thorough overview of talking therapy and some of the different types of talk therapy available to you. Talking therapy for depression is a positive step to help you manage your condition and, in some cases, recover completely. Depression is an overall label for a heap of symptoms. Some people choose talking therapy to help them overcome one symptom, and others for the overall depression. Keep reading to learn how talk therapy for depression might help you.

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